Our Staff

Meet Our Physicians

Robert W. McAllister, MD
Fellowship in total joint, adult reconstruction and orthopedic trauma surgery at Minneapolis Orthopaedic and Arthritis Institute, Minneapolis, Minnesota
John J. Mara, MD
Specializes in surgery of the hand and upper extremities, sports medicine and advanced arthroscopy of the shoulder, and reconstruction of the athlete’s knee
Randall J. Risinger, MD
Specializes in sports medicine, general orthopedics, advanced arthroscopic and open shoulder and knee surgery, shoulder and knee reconstruction, sports-related fractures; shoulder replacement
Aris D. Yannopoulos, MD
Specializes in Lumbar Micro-Discectomy, Laminectomy, Lumbar and Cervical Fusions, Arthroscopic Surgery and Sports Medicine
Stephen F. Scarangella, MD
Specializes in traumatic, neurological and arthritic reconstructive surgery involving the entire upper extremity which includes shoulder, elbow, and hand
Andrew H. Litchfield, DPM
Specializes in Foot and Ankle Trauma, Foot and Ankle Reconstructive Surgery, Bunion and Minimally Invasive Surgery, and Ankle Arthroscopy
Chad M. Daniel, MD
Specializes in total hip replacement surgery and total knee replacement surgery
Amy E. Bruce, DPM. FACFAS
Specializes in Foot and Ankle Trauma, Foot and Ankle Reconstructive Surgery, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Bunion Surgery, Ankle Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine.
Michael R. Boniello, MD, MSc
Specializes in sports medicine, trauma and arthroscopic and open treatments of injuries of the shoulder, knee, and hip
Brian Schmidtberg, MD
Specializes in hand and upper extremity surgery and general orthopedics

Meet Our Physicians Assistants

Elyssa L. Root, PA-C
Specializes in sports medicine, general orthopedics, hand, and upper extremity; managing pre- and post-operative patients
Christopher J. Berube, PA-C
Comprehensive knowledge and experience with traumatic musculoskeletal injuries including the spine, orthopedic oncology, hip and knee replacement
Allyson L. Forsyth, PA-C
Practices general orthopedic and trauma care, including conditions in the shoulder, hand, spine, knee, and hip with a special interest in sports medicine and osteoarthritis management
Robert B. Brancato, PA-C
Trained in sports medicine, orthopedic trauma, spine and hand injuries
Mark H. Cloutier PA-C
Trained in trauma care, emergency medicine and pre-operative and post-operative care to surgical patients
Malyssa E. Chanthasoto PA-C
Diverse clinical experience in general orthopedic and trauma care, pre-operative, and post-operative care to surgical patients, first assist in surgery
Alison C. Bruns, PA-C
Diverse clinical experience in emergency medicine, surgery, primary care, pediatrics, psychiatry, and dermatology in hospitals and medical centers throughout Connecticut
Alexander D. Vendetto, PA-C
Diverse clinical experience in orthopedic surgery, general surgery, emergency medicine, internal medicine, and family medicine
Danielle M. Boley, PA-C
Diverse clinical experience in the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of orthopedic problems involving trauma, arthritis, and sports medicine.

Meet Our Management

Donna Rizzio
Donna P. Rizzio, CMPE
Chief Executive Officer
Responsible for overall leadership, management and operations in all practice locations