On the outside, Alexa Kebalo Hughes is a powerhouse realtor, incredible wife, athlete, and inspiration for women entrepreneurs everywhere. But, on the inside, for decades, while she was building her empire, she was struggling with chronic back pain that threatened to take all her success away from her.
Her entire life, Alexa lived an active lifestyle. So much so that she played division 1 rugby for UCONN just over a decade ago. But since leaving college athletics, she had been dealing with lower back pain and limitations she couldn’t quite understand. She stretched daily and did all she could to be proactive. However, slowly but surely, over the past year, flare-ups took her out of the game to the point where she couldn’t even move off her bed.
It got to a point where her husband found her on the ground, where she had been positioned for two hours, unable to move. They rushed to the emergency room, where she got an MRI and was referred to Dr. Yannopoulos, who immediately acted on it.
Alexa shared, “He called the next morning when I was still in the hospital, saying that he hadn’t been able to sleep thinking about my pain and had created a plan that would be put into action immediately to get me mobile again. He even visited the hospital on his day off to get started. Talk about a doctor who genuinely, undoubtedly cares.”
Within the next day, the team moved mountains for her. She was in surgery within 24 hours on the road to an entirely new life, whether she realized it or not in the moment.
Within hours of the surgery to repair her two severely herniated disks that had been pinching nerves for over a decade, she was up and walking—pain-free. She shared that she went from a wheelchair, unable to move the day before in the ER, to walking freely across her hospital room without pain, crying tears of joy because she was so immensely grateful for this life-changing surgery.