- Keep dressing clean and dry. Do not get the dressing wet. Cover the dressing with a plastic bag for showers. You may remove dressing in 4 days.
- Keep the surgical hand/arm elevated above the heart level.
- You may use the hand as much as the dressing will allow. If the fingers are out of the dressing, you need to use them.
- If a complication arises after office hours, please call the office at (860) 525-4469. The answering service will be able to contact the physician on call.
- Please call the office (860) 525-4469 upon discharge to schedule a post-operative appointment if you have not already done so.
Post-Op Care
Carpal Tunnel Surgery

Hand, Wrist & Arm Surgery

- Keep dressing clean, dry, and in place, until seen by your Doctor. Do not get the dressing wet. Cover the dressing with a plastic bag for showers.
- Keep the surgical hand/arm elevated above the heart level.
You may use the hand as much the dressing will allow. If the fingers are out of the dressing, you need to use them. - If a complication arises after office hours, please call the office at (860) 525-4469. The answering service will be able to contact the physician on call.
- Please call the office (860) 525-4469 upon discharge to schedule a post-operative appointment if you have not already done so.
Shoulder Arthroscopy Surgery

- Dressings: Your dressing may be removed in 2 days. There are no stitches in the skin. You may shower after 2 days (only if there is no drainage from the wounds). Do not bathe or submerge the shoulder in water until you are checked in the office.
- Activity: You may use your arm normally, but you will probably be most comfortable wearing a sling for a couple of days. Heavy lifting should be avoided for several weeks. Pain should be expected for 5-10 days.
- Exercises: Try to move the shoulder through as great a range of motion as possible, several minutes each hour while awake.
- Medication: You will be given a prescription for pain medication. You may take this medication as prescribed if you are having pain. If additional medication is required, please call the office (860) 525-4469.
- Follow Up: You should call the office (860) 525-4469 the day after your surgery and make an appointment for follow-up 5-6 days from the date of your procedure. If you have any questions or concerns, let our secretary know, and we will get back to you.
- Work: Your return to work will be discussed during your follow-up appointment.
Rotator Cuff Surgery

- Dressings: Your dressing may be removed in 2 days. There is Tegaderm over the incisions. You may remove the Tegaderm and replace with Bandaids. Keep the incision clean and dry for 2 days.
- Activity: You may only move the arm at the elbow joint. Overhead activity and lifting are not permitted. YOU MUST WEAR THE SLING PROVIDED FOR YOU UNTIL YOUR FOLLOW-UP VISIT. DO NOT MOVE YOUR SHOULDER.
- Medication: You will be given a prescription for pain medication. You may take this medication as prescribed if you are having pain. If additional medication is required, please call our office.
- Follow-up: You should call the office (860) 525-4469 the day after your surgery and make an appointment for follow-up, 5-6 days from the date of your procedure. If you have any specific questions or concerns, let our secretary know, and we will get back to you.
- Work: Your return to work status will be evaluated during your follow-up visit. Be sure to follow the above ACTIVITY instructions.